Did you think that my next post would be a follow up to my last one? Consistency? What's that? That's not how it works here. <(υ∇υ)>
As I begin writing this with a grease smelling face - it always gets icky and oily when I eat fat foods - something comes to my mind: I really like social sciences! That's a set of topics that grew on me with time, and as it went by and I got older, it began to take the sweet spot math had on my favorites list.
In my early school years I used to elaborate crazy operations out of boredom and accidentally discovered algebra by myself, but now on high school I find myself monologuing about economic theorems and ethics. It's safe to say that the sweet spot was taken.
So, considering that Socials are now my favorite subjects, and I have a blog, I could talk about it now, right?
Not really.
While creating this webspace, I made a few rules for myself to determine what kinds of stuff I was going to talk about. See them below

Apparently talking about politics is in direct violation of rule 4. Mwah, this sucks. This rule has a point tho. I am indeed really passionate about politics when I feel like it. This blog could become a political word toilet where I throw all my frustrations and angers with the schooling system at the unsuspecting viewer who is here just to read someone's thoughts on innocent things like movies and football. Would I like to do that? Yes. But I don't think this is the place.
Still, I have a solution for that. Actually, I have an idea that could add a little more variety to this place(and actually make me post something here). In short, it's a bunch of different post categories you can open in the menu screens.
How do they work?
Simple. To go to the politics blog, you just have to open the blog as usual and select the "pol" tab in the top row. Easy huh?
But GG you're breaking your rule-
I know. But it's my site so screw you, stupid green voice.
I'll also add the creations category in the main menu. Actually it's already there, it just has no content. It will feature all my fanfiction creative works, ranging from my characters, arts, stories... and also the fanfiction. To be fair there will be a lot of the last one.
I think that's it for now. Unless I think of something on the fly...
Nah, I won't. Bye.